Friday, March 5, 2010

Cheese & Wine Events to Bust Those Winter Blues!

FRENCH MARKET: Thursday Evening Commuter Wine Tastings in March!
We'd love for our new resident and commuter neighbors to our French Market location to get better acquainted with our thoughtful, luscious selection of small production wines and what better way to do that then to do some wine tastings that show them off? These FREE Tastings Will be Thursdays from 4:30 til 6:30 in March as follows--take some home with you! Better yet, bring an extra bottle for your commuter buddies and be even more popular!

THURS 3/11- "Voluptuous Winter Whites"- featuring selections from Glunz

1 comment:

  1. Other eating opportunities - McCormick and Schmick's right next door, gave everyone in the office a $20 dinner certificate. Good after 5 p.m., valid til 3/31. They also have a 10 under $10 lunch menu. Good stuff.
