Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Welcome Helen!

This morning we welcomed the newest member of our Gagen family - Helen Paczkowski.

She'd heard about the fabulous food at Gagen, so we kicked off her first day with a wholesome breakfast. We learned that she is attempting her first triathlon in the Gulf (of Mexico) off of St Petersburg, FL next month. She also lives in one of the hottest Chicago neighborhoods - Southport.

And in case you were wondering, here's how you say her last name:
Copy by Helen. Illustration by Lauren Kostas.

Leave Helen a warm welcome by leaving a comment below, and stop by to say hi next time you're in the office.


  1. Welcome, Helen. Now that I've seen the phonetic picture of your last name, I'll apologize now for the future misspelling! We're so happy to have you on board.

  2. Hi Helen,
    I hope your Day 1 went well. To channel our terrific client BASF, you should know that we do not serve breakfast everyday (please ask Morgan about this rather opaque reference - she has a great story to tell).
    Welcome aboard!

  3. Helen,
    We're thrilled to have you on board.

    Insider's tip of the day...Rich knows the best places to eat. He also has an uncanny talent for always picking the best thing on the menu. Definitely worth following his lead! Cheers, Morgan

  4. Helen - we're all very excited you're here, and can't wait to have you join us on our trips around the country helping our fabulous clients.

  5. Thank you all for the warm welcome - I couldn't have asked for a better day! - Helen
